Sunday, November 8, 2009


"The most versatile researcher in the country" according to the Limca book of Indian Records
A man of great intellect
"Polymath, master of six languages", Tamil, Kannada, Tulu, Telugu, Hindi and English.
Dr T M A Pai Gold medal winner for medical reseach

Who do you think is India's most widely read author? Arundathi Roy? Wrong! Vikram Seth, Wrong again! No, it isn't one of the names on marquee and billboards, and it certainly is not one who is a regular on page three. For the right answer, we must look for an unimpressive long-haired medical professor in small. This unlikely don is India's hottest English author on the internet. In just a little more than a year, the spin-doctor has a readership of over 100,000, on one single web-site alone! And he writes for four more. Churning out story after story, at the incredible rate of around five a week, stories that are lapped by around five hundred net addicts per article.

Meet up with Dr. Arunachalam Kumar from Mangalore. Living alone, and finding time between his onerous chores as a full time Anatomy teacher-researcher at the Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, one of India's largest medical institutes, the unlikely 'tale-teller' is verily the uncrowned "badshah of blogdom", as one reader defined him.

The sheer range of subjects, topics and themes touched on in the don's articles astound: natural history, philosophy, current affairs, romance, personal anecdotes, fiction, science, politics, religion, sports, the works. The write –ups evoke a wide range of emotions in readers - elation, pathos, or rage – more than 2000 on – site comments being testimony to his wordsmithy, having been logged in by site readers. Often writing under the pen name ‘ixedoc', most of his pieces are contributed to natural history sites, besides appearing regularly on Sulekha, an off - shore site catering to the Indian diaspora.

Author of more than 150 articles in newspapers and magazines in India and abroad : just last month, the Invisible Man Press has released a book of his – his fifth, These include one on how to crack cryptic crossword puzzles, and another on the avifauna of his city.

How does he find time for his prodigious output, even though he heads one of the busy departments with heavy workload in his college? His reply, "I write for two hours a day, at night or in the early hours of the day". His answer, though, covers only his internet diversions. Professionally, he is better known as the man who publishes research papers, which today total one hundred and thirty, many winning awards and laurels at national or international conferences. In 2005 alone, he has seventeen publications, most in indexed international journals, besides sixteen research presentations. Here again, the range of his scientific mind is so all encompassing that, the Limca Book of Indian Records, 1993-94, lists him as "one with the widest range of science papers in India"

The Invisible Man Press has released a book of his last month, his fifth – with one on how to crack cryptic crossword puzzles, and another on the avifauna of his city. An award - winning teacher, with citations from Rotary, Jaycees, Air India and the State Government. Prof. Kumar is a polyglot, at ease in five languages, a qualified as a referee for the Amateur Body Builders Federation of India and a registered umpire for cricket.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Bone Marrow Cancers Recommended Treatment: Cesium Chloride

The Cesium Chloride Protocol is the only recommended treatment for Multiple Myeloma or any other bone marrow cancer. There are two reasons for this recommendation. First, the cesium chloride treatment easily penetrates the bones and gets to the bone marrow where it can kill cancer cells and even the microbes in the bone marrow.

Secondly, and just as important, MM can cause the bones to become brittle and break. When a cancer patient starts to have their bones break, for no apparent reason, they can become very depressed and confused. MM should be considered to be a bone cancer as much as a bone marrow cancer.

Cesium chloride, being a mineral-based treatment, can help protect the bones. Moreover, Larry of Essense of Life [the recommended vendor] will add other key minerals to his normal protocol to protect the bones.

Larry of Essense of Life provides telephone support to those on his protocol.

Because MM can be fast-growing, and destroy the bones, treatment should begin immediately.

mportant Note:

When your cesium chloride vendor tells you that you have hit your "cesium limit," then terminate the Cesium Chloride protocol and switch to the Cellect-Budwig protocol until you are cancer free. The reason for this is that some cancer patients hit their "cesium limit" before their cancer is completely gone. Here is a link to the Cellect-Budwig protocol:

However, continue using the minerals that Larry of Essense of Life has given you for the protection of your bones!!

Other Treatments To Consider (Supplemental Treatments Only)

Essaic Tea

There are testimonials on the internet for the use of Essiac Tea as the major component in the treatment of multiple myeloma. Furthermore, there are testimonials for the herbs in the Hulda Clark diet in the treatment of multiple myeloma (i.e. Black Walnut Hulls (from the black walnut tree), Wormwood (from the Artemisia shrub) and Common Cloves (from the clove tree)). At least some of the cancer-killing nutrients in these herbs does get to the bone marrow.
Essiac Tea Article

Noni Juice

As I mention in my Noni Juice article, not all Noni Juices are the same. There are powerful testimonials for Noni Juice in treating Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, another bone marrow cancer, and leukemia. Pain is another thing which is improved by Noni Juice. But most importantly, Noni Juice can work very quickly. In short, Noni Juice would clearly help MM.
Noni Juice Article

Budwig Diet

The Budwig Diet (e.g. flaxseed oil and cottage cheese) has some profound testimonials for treating MM. However, it should be realized that I have never seen an authoritative description of her complete protocol, including all of the supplements she used. Just using flaxseed oil and cottage cheese would not be a cancer treatment strong enough for "Stage IV" cancer, such as MM. However, because this treatment is so simple and so easy to implement, I endorse it for MM, but not by itself. It should be used as an adjunct to other alternative treatments.

"In a study reported in the July 1999 issue of The American Journal of Nutrition, the authors found a consistent pattern of protection against cancers of the digestive tract. Cancers like multiple myeloma and uterine cancer were also found to be decreased." Of course, without the cottage cheese, yogurt or skim milk, the omega-3 in the flaxseed oil (or walnuts, etc.) is not as effective.
Budwig Diet

Raw Food

In discussing the Raw Food diet, it is beta carotene that is most often talked about. Beta carotene is specifically mentioned as a major killer of leukemia cells as well as Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma cancer cells. It is also part of a bone cancer treatment plan. While beta carotene is rarely used by itself, it is clear that it is a major contributor, if not the main contributor, of many treatment plans. Of course raw carrot juice should be the major source of beta carotene.
Raw Food Diet

Coenzyme Q10 - CoQ10

A powerful antioxidant which builds the immunity system. It works best when the Budwig diet is being used due to the fats in the Budwig diet. It is clear that the effects of CoQ10 reach the bone marrow.

* "Coenzyme Q10 was first identified in 1957. Its chemical structure was determined in 1958. Interest in coenzyme Q10 as a potential treatment for cancer began in 1961, when a deficiency of the enzyme was noted in the blood of cancer patients. Low blood levels of coenzyme Q10 have been found in patients with myeloma, lymphoma, and cancers of the breast, lung, prostate, pancreas, colon, kidney, and head and neck."

Curcumin From the Spice Tumeric

Curcumin has been found to stop the spread of MM and cause cancer cell death. See the web page:
Article on Curcumin

Barleygreen (and I assume wheatgrass as well)

Excuse me for begin logical, but hemoglobin and chlorophyll have virtually identical molecular structures. Since bone marrow cancers destroy critical red blood cells, it would seem logical that chlorophyll would be a critical nutrient for bone marrow cancer patients.

Gerson Therapy - see the book: Living Proof: A Medical Mutiny, by Michael Gearin-Tosh. This book deals specifically with a multiple myeloma patient. The treatment also includes orthomolecular methods.

Essential Oils

This is a multiple myeloma testimonial. The main treatment was a combination of several essential oils called: Juva Flex, by the vendor Young Living. If you look at the actions of the various individual essential oils, you see at least 3 essential oils that are either antifungal or antimicrobial. This may mean that the essential oils were killing the microbes inside of the cancer cells, allowing them to revert back to being normal cells. Essential oils are an exciting new field of research in alternative medicine. Here is the testimonial:
Essential Oil Testimonial

There is only ONE vendor of essential oils that a person should even look at in the U.S.: Young Living. They are the ONLY essential oil manufacturer to create theraputic grade essential oils that get into the cancer cells. Here is a representative:
Young Living - Charles Heineke

Active Hemicellulose Compound (AHCC)

Over the years AHCC has been known by two different names:

* "AHCC was originally used as an acronym for Active Hemicellulose Compound, but was changed to stand for Active Hexose Correlating Compound by the Japanese manufacturer (AminoUp) because they felt that it was a more appropriate term. Older research papers in which Active Hemicellulose Compound is referred to are discussing the identical material as Active Hexose Correlating Compound."

In other words, "Active Hemicellulose Compound" and "Active Hexose Correlating Compound" are the same thing. AHCC is sold by numerous companies. Just type: AHCC in Google.

Obtained 50% complete remission in MM study:

Cancer Cure Coalition

This was a treatment protocol used to successfully treat MM. See:

See also:


Clodonate helps preserve the bones and treats the cancer (not available in U.S.):

IP-6 or IP6 (Inositol hexaphosphate)

"IP -6 has been used against a wide variety of cancers. Blood based cancers such as leukemia are the most sensitive, with solid tumors needing a larger dose. Most studies at this point have used either animals or human cancer cells in vitro, i.e. in a test tube. As an example, adding IP-6 to human liver cancer cells resulted in complete inhibition of tumors. Human liver cancer cells injected into mice resulted in 71% tumors. Cells pretreated with IP-6 resulted in no tumors. Pre-existing liver cancers regressed. In another study with Rhabdomyosarcoma, tumors were suppressed from 25 to 49 fold!"

Other Comments

Here is a good web site devoted to Multiple Myeloma:
Multiple Myeloma Website

As far as orthodox treatments are concerned, both Thalidomide and Prednisone have been mentioned to extend life (this is not a cure). Also, Fosamax is frequently used to stop bone deterioration.

* "He experienced several health challenges in the past decade (i.e., open-heart surgery, prostate cancer, and, most recently, multiple myeloma). Coincidently, the drug that until recently helped treat the myeloma was vincristine, a purified alkaloid derived from the Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don, Apocynaceae). Vincristine is manufactured by the Eli Lilly company of Indianapolis, the company that funded Tyler's chair at Purdue. Further, the drug was discovered in a classic scenario of serendipity by Tyler's friend and colleague, the late Gordon Svoboda, who, while researching the periwinkle for its traditionally reputed antidiabetic activity, discovered its potential for treating certain cancers. Tyler had intended to write the story of Svoboda and vincrstine, as he considered it one of the great untold stories in pharmacognosy and drug discovery from plants."

What is Bone Marrow Cancer?

Most bone cancers are called secondary tumors because they arise from other cancers which have spread from other parts of the body. Cancers that actually arise in the bones are relatively uncommon. However, there are two major types of bone cancer: Osteosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma. Ewing’s sarcoma, or bone marrow cancer, is usually most common in people under the age of 20.

Bone marrow cancer most commonly occurs in the shafts of long bones. Although the first signs of bone marrow cancer varies from patient to patient, symptoms may include fever, fatigue, poor appetite, and weight loss. However, the early symptoms may be so sporadic and subtle, the patient may not see a doctor until the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

In the past, when people were diagnosed with bone marrow cancer, the treatment typically involved the removal of the cancerous marrow through extensive surgery. However, a combination of high does of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and conservative surgery is now being used. Generally, during the surgery, the healthy bone marrow is removed through two very small incisions in the back of the hip (or from the iliac crest) while the patient is under anesthesia. The bone marrow is processed and stored in a freezer. While this is being done, the patient will receive chemotherapy and radiation. Usually one or two days later, they will then receive their own marrow back.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Hungry World Embraces Nuclear Power

Nuclear power is on the rise, all over the world after decades of dormancy, driven by the need for a cleaner environment and steady, secure sources of power in the Internet age.
Plans are on the drawing board to build as many as new power plants - the first since 1973--while hundreds more are under consideration in China, India, Russia and other countries.
Nuclear power is experiencing a budding renaissance.

High fossil-fuel prices, low interest rates, and concerns about the environment and energy security have all combined to increase momentum in the construction of new nuclear plants around the globe.
With worries about terrorism now paramount in the minds of the public and political leaders, concerns about safety that haunted nuclear utilities for decades appear to have receded, replaced by increasing confidence that after a half-century of operating without causing a major public health hazard .
A new generation of power plants on the drawing board, some with automatic methods of shutting down in emergencies, promises to be safer than before.

But analysts say that in light of lingering worries caused by the Three Mile Island crisis in the US and the Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine, the industry will have to continue giving top priority to ensuring public safety if it is to succeed .

The growing power needs of rapidly developing countries such as China, India and Russia also have acted as a catalyst for change. China’s electricity demands have doubled during the past decade, and although it has become the second-largest power producer after the US, China suffers chronic power shortages.

Few other power sources can deliver the large loads of electricity the country’s 1.3 billion potential customers need without causing widespread ecological damage.
China’s Three Gorges Dam, for example, will produce more power than any other hydroelectric plant in the world when it goes on line in 2007, but at the cost of displacing more than a million people, inundating a scenic national treasure and endangering rare species of fish.

China, like the United States, has plenty of coal. But its coal-fired power plants have blanketed the countryside with haze and choking emissions that contribute to an estimated 400,000 premature deaths each year.
Thus, the emerging Asian giant is laying plans to build as many as 100 nuclear power plants in the next 20 years, and has started construction on two of them, in what is by far the most ambitious nuclear program in the world .

India, too, has come to see nuclear power as essential to satisfy growing power needs. It is building eight nuclear plants. India secured an agreement to get technical assistance from the United States in what officials say could be a breakthrough on the diplomatic front.

The revival can be seen most clearly in Asia . Asian nations have been the most aggressive in their pursuit of nuclear power over the past decade and have become the center of growth for the global nuclear insustry .Nuclear power is gaining an image as a clean energy source. Nuclear plants emit none of the pollutants or greenhouse gases that are byproducts of the most common sources of power: coal, oil and natural gas.


The world needs dedicated action and resilience to climate change. The objective of the dialogue process is to gather and share answers and best practise cases in order to create new responses to climate change.
A new federal report on the effect of climate change condenses the latest science from a variety of disciplines. Among the findings:

Heavy downpours are now twice as frequent in the Midwest as they were a century ago. Summer and winter precipitation have increased.

Large heat waves have become more frequent in the Midwest over the past 30 years than at any time since the Dust Bowl years of the 1930s.

Average temperatures have increased noticeably, despite year-to-year variation. The growing season has increased by more than a week.

The cause of climate change is "due primarily to human-induced emissions of heat-trapping gases."
It's said that if you put a frog in a pot and then turn up the heat, the frog won't notice until the water boils. Global warming has the same effect on many people. Its impacts have occurred slowly over time. Coupled with normal seasonal variations, they've seemed almost undetectable.

But they're very real. They can be and have been detected and measured. That's given us the ability to make changes before the worst effects become unavoidable. But so far, people have been unwilling to act on that information.

Doing nothing could be even more expensive. The greatest risk of all is summarized in four words: "Thresholds will be crossed."

Climate systems and ecosystems contain what you might consider points of no return. Cross them and things will never be the same. Pack ice disappears, permafrost melts and animals that are superbly adapted for those environments disappear forever.

That can trigger so-called feedback loops -- other changes that exacerbate the impact of climate change. Large quantities of carbon dioxide, for example, could be released by the melting permafrost.
The time to address global climate change is now. Congress should enact legislation that caps and reduces the emissions of greenhouse gases. And the government should redouble efforts to negotiate an effective international treaty that cuts emissions around the globe.


Since the dawn of time, there were those who opposed mankind’s ventures into then-uncharted scientific frontiers—anesthesia, atomic power, and computer technology—out of fear of the changes in everyday life they would invoke. Today, such is the case with our ability to clone humans, which is completely safe and ethical, yet outlawed simply because of our society’s unfounded fears.

While so much fervor over the immorality of cloning has been brewing, many of the people advocating the ban do not have a clear, accurate idea of what it truly is. It is commonly believed that a clone of an adult will be an exact duplicate, down to the very age and personality of the clonee (person being cloned). In reality, however, all clones must start off as babies and physically mature at the same rate as everyone else. Thus, if one clones a thirty-year-old man, the clone will always appear thirty years younger than the original.

Another erroneous belief is that the clone will behave exactly like the clonee, thereby robbing the original of his or her uniqueness. Self-proclaimed "bioethicists" often create a fictitious scenario in which someone clones Hitler and takes over the world. What these arguments ignore is that individual personality is largely shaped by environment, conditioning, and free will, and not just by biology .

If life experiences and background truly mold a person’s character, then these circumstances must be taken into account for the personalities of clones.
Being born in a different time period, the clone will already face many life experiences unlike that of the parent—he’ll have different friends, be influenced by different teachers, and adapt to the modern culture of his own age group.

Though they are nature’s own clones, a few twins even turn out to be behavioral opposites. A clone of Hitler may end up a freedom-espousing, Civil Rights advocate. While cloning may be possible in the near future, exact duplication remains a simple pipedream. Any "egotist" or would-be dictator who expects his clone to be a copy of himself will be sorely disappointed.

One of the more valid issues raised by bioethicists is that the pioneering clones will grow up in households different from the socially-accepted norm, and that they may be treated as outcasts. However, today children are growing up in many different households considered less than ideal, such as single-parent homes or families with in vitro fertilized children. Though these households were once regarded as abnormal, most of the children in them mature into well-adjusted adults who function satisfactorily in the community.

There are indeed many more serious issues involving clones not raised by the bioethicists, but all of these can be answered by applying the principles of individual property rights.
Also, because one owns his own physiological structure, he should have the right to peacefully do whatever he wants with it—such as cloning himself—provided that he does not harm the life, liberty, or property of others.

Still,one question this raises is, "If cloning is legal, what should stop ‘mad scientists’ from cloning others against their will?" The answer is that, since an individual owns his or her DNA, no one can use his or her genetic material for any purpose other than what he or she permits . Individual rights also protect clones from abuse. Full-bodied, human clones would have rights, because, unlike animals and separately-cloned body parts, they have the ability to think, which means that they possess the abstract concept of rights, and therefore can respect the rights of others. Because of this, it would be illegal to grow an entire body for transplanting body parts, since this violates the clone’s rights to life and liberty .

Thus, the cloning of human beings in the future will improve life in a number of ways. The mere cloning of human embryos, which will not even develop into fetuses, can be used in the production of new medicines. (This use is not a violation of life, since the embryo has not become a true human being ) .
Also, the cloning of existing adults will give psychologists a better understanding of which factors develop our character the most.

Human cloning would probably most improve life for infertile couples who would still like to have biological children. Many of these couples would prefer to have babies by more natural, socially-accepted means, but this is simply not an option for them. They still desire to pass on their own genes to another generation, however, and cloning makes this possible.

It is natural for humans to fear the new and unusual, but when we let this fear control us, we may refuse ourselves great pleasures and prosperity. Not only does real human cloning contradict the misconceptions we have formed, but abuses in this area would be most adequately controlled by are already-established free market system, and the advancements made in our civilization would be fantastic. A ban would undermine all of this. Rather than cling to the status quo and equilibrium of everyday life, we would do well to put our prejudices aside, and welcome the grand wonders and joys human cloning will bestow upon the world.