Tuesday, June 9, 2009

important questions of biology (k10)


Q. 1. Describe the path of ascent of sap due to transpiration pull.What were the objections raised against this theory and how was it rectified. [6]

Q. 2. Describe cytochrome pump theory for active absorption of minerals. [5]

Q. 3. Describe the life cycle of filarial parasite. [6]

Q. 4. Describe the basic postulates of the Neo Darwinians. [6]

Q. 5. Describe Cardiac Cycle. [6]

Q. 6. Describe the histological structure of various digestive glands. [6]

Q. 7. Give an account of the Tunica Corpus Theory. [3]

Q. 8. What are Darwin’s finches.What important conclusion was drawn from their studies. [5]

Q. 9. Describe Miller Urey’s Experiment. [5]

Q. 10 Describe the process of hybridization. [6]

Q. 11. Write in detail about CT Scan and MRI? Which is safer and why. [8]

Q. 12. Describe Calvin Cycle with schematic representation. [7]

Q. 13. Give the functions of auxins. [3]

Q. 14. What is counter current mechanism.Explain in brief . [4]

Q. 15. Describe the various organs of male reproductive system. [8]

Q. 16. Explain sliding filament theory and the chemical events during muscle contraction. [6]

Q. 17. What are the advantages of using bio-fertilisers [2]

Q. 18. Give an account of process of urine formation and its hormonal control. [6]

Q. 19. State Cope’s Law. [2]

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